Opteamyzer’s New Sociology Module: Enhancing Team Analysis and Visualization for Corporates

Opteamyzer Opteamyzer’s New Sociology Module: Enhancing Team Analysis and Visualization for Corporates Author Author: Yu Qi

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Opteamyzer’s New Sociology Module: Enhancing Team Analysis and Visualization for Corporates

For the corporate version of Opteamyzer, we are currently implementing the Sociology module. This module operates on principles similar to the PCI (Psychological Compatibility Index) module. However, the data source for visualization in the team card comes from the interpreted data of completed specialist profile fields.

This feature allows managers of large departments to perform comparative analysis across teams within the entire enterprise from a single page. At the same time, they can easily delve into details on individual team pages whenever needed. The convenient visualization of summary data in the team card now includes one general parameter and four additional parameters.

The Sociology module adds depth to the data provided by Opteamyzer. Users now have access to basic sociological parameters, along with potential Socionics/MBTI psychological type classifications. This approach ensures that we recognize teams not just as groups of faceless specialists, but as living individuals, each deserving respect and appropriate recognition.

You can request a demo of the corporate version of Opteamyzer by emailing contact@opteamyzer.com. The module's release is planned for July 2024.